Abstracts can be submitted between January 1, 2015 and April 1, 2015.
You can only submit ONE abstract as a first author and you can specify if you prefer oral or poster presentation. There is no submission limit for co-authorship.
Abstracts should be a maximum of 200 words long (title, authors, affiliations and grant information / funding acknowledgment not included).
Abstract guidelines.
Please write as clearly as possible (in English).
Authors should put an emphasis on what they judge to be of greatest importance and interest, and, where possible, clearly state theoretical implications. The SI system of units should be used. Please avoid using separate paragraphs or leaving blank lines in the abstract.
***Please note:
Following Pion's adoption of APA style, effective from January 2014, ECVP abstract referencing style has changed.
When citing previous literature, please provide names and date information. For example:
After attending an interesting conference, lab productivity tends to increase exponentially (Green & Brown, 2010).
Green and Brown (2010) reported that after attending an interesting conference lab productivity increases exponentially.
No further information will be required. For details of formatting with multiple authors, etc., please refer to the APA publication manual.
If you are considering an oral presentation, you can optionally include a one-page PDF extended summary with additional information, figures, equations and/or references. This document should provide additional information for the reviewers and allow them to better judge your contributions' novelty, importance and originality. Please use a font size no less than 12pt and leave at least 1 cm space at the page borders. You do not need to include your abstract in the extended summary: reviewers will have access to both documents. Document should not exceed 5 MB.
In order to submit an abstract you must be registered for the conference. Please register and pay the fee following the link on the registration page.
LINK TO EASYCHAIR (to submit the abstract)